BACP Aims & Objectives

Our mission is to promote the welfare and wellbeing of the deprived and disadvantaged communities within Rochdale without any distinction or discrimination.

Our aim is to make a significant impact on the major problems and needs of the community and to breakdown the social and economic barriers.

  • To alleviate hardships and improve lives by assisting with welfare rights and benefits;
  • To improve the health and wellbeing of the community members;
  • To reduce social isolation of the BME communities in the local area;
  • To improve the key life skills and knowledge of the members of the community;
  • To improve the quality of life of the older members of the community;
  • To increase positive children & youth facilities and activities within the area;
  • To improve community cohesion by celebrating cultural diversity and encouraging racial harmony;
  • To increase the capacity of the local communities to participate in borough wide initiatives and address social exclusions.

We have set the following objectives to deliver our mission and achieve our aims:

  • To provide a multi-purpose community resource centre to be used for the social and economic benefit of those marginalised within the local community;
  • To provide information, advice and support services to the people of the community on a range of issues including benefit rights, health, housing, employment.
  • To provide access to basic life skills training;
  • To provide facilities for exercise, healthy living and active aging;
  • To provide social, recreational and cultural activities to the community;
  • To develop partnerships and maintain links with public, private and the voluntary sector to benefit the community;
  • To strengthen the financial health of the organisation and build reserves for sustaining the charitable activities.