Advice, Information and Guidance service
Dedicated Advisor led service on Tuesdays and Thursdays, form filling and other drop in services on all working days subject to staff availability. We charge a nominal fee depending on the time and work involved.
Elderly Day Care service
Day Care Service for teh elderly (50+ and also vulnerable adults) runs on a gender specific basis - Tuesdays for females and Wednesday for males, the service includes activities and sessions which are geared towards improving the health and wellbeing of the service users, give them more independent and redress isolation. on other working days older people can drop in for socialising and refreshments during office hours.
Gym and Fitness service
A well-equipped community gym to support active, healthy living catering to all age groups above 13. Open six days a week with separate timing for males and females.
Basic Skills and Vocational service
English, IT, Food Hygiene
ICT Suite
Open on all working days offering the community members free access to the internet and other IT services like emailing, printing, scanning etc at a nominal fee.
Job Club
On Wednesday (12:30 - 3:00PM) accompanied with one to one basic IT skills for beginners.
After-school Club
Open on all working days, IT / Pool etc.
Admin Service
Readily available Photocopying, Faxing, Scanning, Emailing, Letter drafting, Form filling (online and hardcopy), Translating services at a nominal charge.
Room Hire
Venue available for hire for meetings, activities, classes & parties.
Bangla School
On week-ends to impart Bengali language and culture knowledge to the children of parents of Bangladeshi origin.
Ambition for Ageing Project
This is part of a nationwide ‘Ageing Better’ programme across 15 partnerships funded by Big Lottery Fund. In greater Manchester it is called ‘Ambition for Ageing’ which is a £10M programme across Greater Manchester over 5 years, led by GMCVO. In Rochdale, this is being delivered by a partnership of 5 organisations including BACP in the three selected wards of Central Rochdale, Smallbridge & Firgrove and West Middleton, led by KYP.
Active Aging Project
This project is for the older people funded by "Our Rochdale - Connecting You" development fund, encompassing various streams of activities including excersise sessions, luncheon club cross cultural coffee meets etc, to tackle boredom and isolation.
Women's Wellbeing Project
This project - funded by Living Well, brings together women of all ages to engage in various activities.