Our History

Organisational History & Background

BACP was formed as an informal group in 1971 in the wake of Bangladesh’s war of independence.  The people of Bangladeshi origin came together with a common purpose to share and pursue their common interests.  The organisation was a small voluntary group driven by the needs of the Bangladeshi community in Rochdale, which were not being adequately met by the mainstream institutions because of various cultural and language barriers. The local community has been instrumental in guiding the work of the Association which was later formalised into a constituted group and became a registered charity in August 1995.

Major Timeline :

1983 – Awarded annual core funding from Rochdale Borough Council.

1995 – Inner Cities Initiatives grant to purchase a converted terraced property at 131 Entwisle Road,

             in the Wardleworth area with vast concentration of Bangladeshi inhabitants living in


1996 – 3 year grant from National Lottery Charities Board.

1999 – Lottery and European Regeneration Development funding for a new premises at 108 Ramsay


2001 – Relocated at 108 Ramsay Street, Rochdale

             Incorporated as a private limited company by guarantee on 19th June, 2001.

2002 – New centre officially opened by the Junior Home Minister, Angela Eagle, MP in Jan 2002.

2005 – Gym  & Fitness centre opened in December 2005, with funding from  Sport England

BACP attracts funding from both statutory and non-statutory bodies to run its services. The centre also generates its own income through room lettings, a fully equipped gym, provision of administrative services like photocopying, faxing, printing, letter drafting, translating and membership fees. The organisation generates about 25-30% of its own revenues while attracting project funding for the rest.

BACP has established itself as a widely respected organisation with growing support for its work and uptake of its services which demonstrates the inclusive, democratic as well as ‘grass root’ support from the local community.